Leaders Manage Change

Instead of just letting change happen and take its course, which could cause undue stress and not achieve the results you’re committed to, leaders proactively manage change through understanding, communication and patience. Consider applying the following must-do’s to manage the change occurring in your organization: Remember that everyone embraces change differently.  Some of us are up for…

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How CPAS can Give and Receive Better Feedback

Feedback is something we often don’t put as much effort into but should. It’s important to the development of your business both in communicating internally with your employees and externally with your clients. The Johari Window, developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, is a model that’s been around since the 1950s.  It focuses on…

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People Stay Because of People

I was talking with a CPA partner recently and they commented that their firms mission statement would not inspire anyone. It was too long, too boring and no one in the firm even seemed to be able to recite it. I read a lot of CPA firm mission statements and, yes, most of them sound…

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